100 OHI shares are ordered at limit price of $35.39

Recently Roadmap2Retire(a.k.a R2R) recommended OHI shares in his blog post and Dividend Mantra actually initiated his position of OHI at $35.39 . Both cases are so compelling that I couldn’t help but place the following order. At the time of writing, OHI is traded at $36.04 and its divided yield is less than 6%. I don’t like it, so my limit order is at $35.39 which is exactly as the same price as Dividend Mantra purchased OHI shares. The order will be good for 60 days. Let’s see how it will be worked out.

OHI order

「100 OHI shares are ordered at limit price of $35.39」への2件のフィードバック

  1. Thanks for the shoutout DividendSamurai. Glad you enjoyed my analysis and Dividend Mantra seems to think that its at a good price now. I wish you the best with your order.



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